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Scriptures |
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1 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 01) Introduction |
4317 |
The return of Jesus Christ does not become a burning reality in my life through studying more about the Second Coming (though that is important) but by taking a simple step of faith. Thessalonians stresses not so much the future as the present Christian life in terms of the coming of Christ. Ed shares several ways this truth has encouraged his heart in the present greatness of Jesus Christ, Christian service, and others. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_01Intro.mp3 |
I Thessalonians |
2 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 02) Introduction (Continued) |
4317 |
What did God allow in the lives of these new Thessalonian believers to make the message of Christ's return a greater reality? The Second Coming will not mean anything to you apart from trouble, trial, suffering and afflcition. Ed shares many of the pitfalls of studying the return of Christ in an event-centered way, but "more and more", he says, "I just seek Jesus." |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_02Intro.mp3 |
I Thessalonians |
3 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 03) Chapter 1 |
4317 |
My present is affected by the future. Chapter 1 relates Christ's Second Coming to a three-fold salvation: past, present and future. True faith always includes new covenant repentance of turning first to God and then from idols. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_03.mp3 |
I Thessalonians 1 |
4 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 04) Chapter 2: Rewards |
4317 |
Chapter 2 focuses upon Christian service which results in the winning of souls. Ed clears up some of the confusion he has had about rewards at Christ's judgment seat of believers. The five crowns mentioned in the New Testament are not separate and distinct but crowns that overlap and blend together. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_04Rewards.mp3 |
I Thessalonians 2, Matthew 10:40-42 |
5 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 05) Chapters 3 & 4 |
4317 |
Paul is longing to be in the presence of the Lord in the presence of Christians. True unity comes when each member is living for the pleasure of the Head--Jesus. Chapter 4 stresses that purity of body is preparation for Christ's return. Our ambition is to be a quiet life and honest work, not a busy, active life all burned out and stressed out. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_05.mp3 |
I Thessalonians 3 - 4 |
6 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 06) Chapter 4:13-18 |
4317 |
In studying the rapture, many Christians have become "rapture-centered" (more focused upon the event itself) than Christ-centered. The rapture presents Jesus as the One who can prevent death; the resurrection presents Jesus as the One who overcomes death. Ed shares how Jesus is shown by the rapture in His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, sovereignty and glory! |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_06Chap4_13-18.mp3 |
I Thessalonians 4:13-18 |
7 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(I Thessalonians 07) Conclusion |
4317 |
The 5th step of preparation is watchfulness, but not a watchfulness of our own keeping but as we live with the Lord Jesus. Anyone who is not letting Jesus have His day is asleep and drunk. The 5th step of preparedness is complete sanctification. The closing eight commands of the book of Thessalonians are all supernatural commands rooted in the One who is faithful, who will also do it! |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians01_07Conclusion.mp3 |
I Thessalonians 5 |
8 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(II Thessalonians 01) Introduction |
4317 |
The message of 2 Thessalonians is the present Christian life in light of the dark (judgment) side of His return. Everything the Bible says about the future has its aim to turn your eyes to Christ right now. Ed discusses some distinctive features, such as suffering, sin and the Antichrist, in light of the main message. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians02_01Intro.mp3 |
2 Thessalonians |
9 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
I and II Thessalonians |
(II Thessalonians 02) Conclusion |
4317 |
How am I going to be prepared for the Lord's return? Rest by grace for the glory of Jesus Christ (Chapter 1). Hold the tradition of God: sanctification is by the Spirit and believe in the truth (Chapter 2). Pray and work (Chapter 3). Be yourself; be supernaturally natural. |
Ed Miller |
Thessalonians02_02Conclusion.mp3 |
2 Thessalonians |
10 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 01) Introduction |
4315 |
The Colossians were a victorious, glowing church but had a problem in its beginning stages that caused Paul to fear. The subtle error was making Christ prominent (first), not preeminent (one and only). We get off-center in our Christian lives when we have good things--prayer, Bible study, missions--in the center that are not Christ. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_01Introduction.mp3 |
Colossians 1 - 4 |
11 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 02) Christ Preeminent In Creation |
4315 |
Make Christ central to your life the same way He is central to creation. As the firstborn, that is, the heir, how rich Jesus Christ must be to take upon Himself the needs of all creation! Seeing Christ as everything in creation should sanctify nature to us. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_02ChristPreeminentInCreation.mp3 |
Colossians 1:1-17 |
12 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 03) Christ Preeminent In Redemption |
4315 |
"The more Christ becomes preeminent in my life," Ed shares, "the more He will be the source of my life, the more He will maintain my life, and the more my life will be for Him and for His glory." As great an illustration as the created universe is, it is a poor representative of the glory of Christ when contrasted with God "exhausting Himself" for redemption! Redemption is so great because of how great our Reeemer is. (NOTE: Only the first 41 minutes are recorded of this message.) |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_03ChristPreeminentInRedemption.mp3 |
Colossians 1:12-14, 1:20-23, 2:11-15 |
13 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 04) Christ Preeminent In Church |
4315 |
God has made Christ preeminent in the Church, as illustrated by the head (brain) of the body. The Head controls everything and unifies the Body. Not only is the brain the sufficiency of the body but also its life. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_04ChristPreeminentInChurch.mp3 |
Colossians 1:18-19, 1:24-29, 2:19 |
14 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 05) Chapter 2:1-10: Preeminent In Education |
4315 |
The whole Christian life is receiving Christ and walking in Christ. The soil (Christ) is a giver, having an infinity of living fullness; the root (the Christian) is a receiver, drinking from and anchored to the soil. "Everything about your public production as a Christian," assures Ed, "depends upon your secret nourishment before God." |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_05Chap2_1-10PreeminentInEducation.mp3 |
Colossians 2:1-10 |
15 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 06) Christ Preeminent In Life |
4315 |
The whole book of Colossians is the difference between living FOR Christ (gnosticism) and living BY Christ. "At any moment I'm looking to Christ alone," Ed teaches, "the only limit on my Christian life is God alone." This new direction liberates the believer from living by pictures of Christ, asceticism and subjective spiritual experiences. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_06ChristPreeminentIn.mp3 |
Colossians 2:11-3:4 |
16 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 07) First Outworking of Christ Preeminent |
4315 |
Our practical walk in chapters 3 and 4 are the fruit of the test of whether or not Christ is truly central in our lives as chapters 1 and 2 portray. The first outworking of Christ preeminent is that we are becoming what we are, that is, we experience freedom from the flesh. As the Christ life appears in our moral lives, people will start seeing Christ. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_07Chap3_1-9.mp3 |
Colossians 3:1-9 |
17 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 08) Chapter 3:9-17: More Outworkings |
4315 |
When you make Christ central in your life, you will have an "unsinning character" (verses 1-4). When Christ is your all, all distinctions vanish--racial prejudices, sectarian walls--and you will be one with every Christian (verses 9-11). When it is Christ alone, I will be expressing a Christlike heart in love towards man and praise towards God (verses 12-17). |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_08Chap3_9-17.mp3 |
Colossians 3:1-4, 9-17 |
18 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Colossians |
(Colossians 09) Conclusion |
4315 |
The home is the masterpiece of the applied gospel. The home then serves as the illustration of the outworking of the preeminence of Christ. The final outworking is the Christ-centered life that expresses itself in the spreading of the gospel, done simply by trusting God and living. |
Ed Miller |
Colossians_09Conclusion.mp3 |
Colossians 3:18 - 4:18 |
19 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 01) Introduction |
4311 |
"The purpose of Ephesians," Ed comments in the introductory lesson, "is that God by His Spirit wants us to enter in to what it means to live in the wealth of Christ." Every Christian is a "multibillionaire" in Christ Jesus but not all are entering into it. What makes Christians differ is not what they have received but spiritual eyesight to see it. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_01Intro.mp3 |
Ephesians |
20 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 02) Chapter 1:1-14 |
4311 |
Our wealth in Jesus Christ cannot be exaggerated. All Christians have it; not all Christians "spend" it. Ephesians is the Bible's full mention of the Church, underscoring union with Christ, as illustrated in various pictures, especially the body and the bride. Ed examines this breath-taking sentence opening up this epistle in which each "gem" of our riches in Christ is beyond computation and centered in God Himself! |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_02Chap01_1-14.mp3 |
Ephesians 1:1-14 |
21 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 03) Chapter 1:15-23 |
4311 |
Being accepted in the Beloved (Jesus Christ) is one of the most purifying truths of the Bible. God sees His Son who has merited all the wealth in the universe--and we are in Him! Paul's prayer for spiritual eyesight for every Christian is the truth that it takes a mighty miracle of God to enter into our inheritance. "We're rich," Ed concludes, "and all we lack is eyesight." |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_03Chap01_15-23.mp3 |
Ephesians 1:15-23 |
22 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 04) Introduction: Chapter 2:1-10 |
4311 |
Be on your guard for any substitute for the Lord Jesus Christ, even the attributes of God. Christ is the Head; the church is His body. Christ shines through us differently, but together we give a testimony and reputation of God on the earth that we can't do as individuals. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_04IntroChap02_1-10.mp3 |
Ephesians 2:1-10 |
23 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 05) Chapter 2:1-10 |
4311 |
It's one thing to know the hole from which you've been taken; it's another thing to know the heights to which you've been lifted. You were placed in Christ before the foundation of the world! You've got to recognize before you can realize. The grace of God is the fountain of all spiritual life at the beginning, the middle and unto the end. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_05Chap02_1-10.mp3 |
Ephesians 2:1-10 |
24 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 06) Chapter 2:11-22 |
4311 |
Each "stone" is a alive and a miniature temple; each individual Christian is a foretaste of the whole completed temple. Because Christ has broken down the wall of partition, we can experience the blessings of spiritual unity. The more we have the life of the Head--Jesus, the more unity and common life we have.
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_06Chap02_11-22.mp3 |
Ephesians 2:11-22 |
25 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 07) Chapter 2:11-3:13 |
4311 |
The death of Christ was the high cost of tearing down the wall of partition. God's heart has always been towards spiritual Israel. Chapter 3 has several principles of how to enter into your unsearchable riches in Christ. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_07Chap02_03.mp3 |
Ephesians 2:11-3:13 |
26 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 08) Chapter 3:14-21 |
4311 |
Ephesians 3 is the "Alps" of this book, climaxing with a great message (verses 1-3), a great prayer (14-19), and a great song (20-21). Paul through the Holy Spirit answers the question, "How can I make every spiritual blessing my own?" Every Christian is called to be an all-dimensional Christian where Christ is at home (comfortable) in his or her life. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_08Chap03_14.mp3 |
Ephesians 3:14-21 |
27 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 09) Chapter 4:1-16 |
4311 |
If there is no holy walk (chapters 4-6), then you haven't entered into the wealth (chapters 1-3). Chapters 4-6 describe the life you'll have if you've entered into chapters 1-3. Dread disappears when we realize that God has already manufactured our day even before we wake up. Paul gives a solid rock of unchanging facts under our feet before he addresses our duties and responsibilities. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_09Chap04_1-16.mp3 |
Ephesians 4:1-16 |
28 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
(Ephesians 10) Chapter 4:1-16 |
4311 |
Christians don't need to make unity because Christ has already made unity. If we are living for the pleasure of the Head--Jesus, we have perfect unity and complete humility. Real humility believes Christ only has one body and that he has at least one spiritual gift. The humble Christian is the one whose heart is open to all the spiritual gifts of all of God's children. |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_10Chap04_1-16.mp3 |
Ephesians 4:1-16 |
29 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
Ephesians 11 Chapter 04:17-24 Putting Off And Putting On |
4311 |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_11Chap04_17-24_PuttingOffOn.mp3 |
30 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
Ephesians 12 Chapter 5:1-14 |
4311 |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_12Chap01-14.mp3 |
31 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
Ephesians 13 Chapter 05:22-33 Christ Marriage |
4311 |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_13Chap05_22-33ChristMarriage.mp3 |
32 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
Ephesians 14 Chapter 06:1-9 |
4311 |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_14Chap06_1-9.mp3 |
33 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Ephesians |
Ephesians 15 Chapter 06:10-24 Armor Of God |
4311 |
Ed Miller |
Ephesians_15Chap06_10-24ArmorOfGod.mp3 |
34 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 01) Introduction |
4309 |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_01Intro.mp3 |
Galatians 1 - 6 |
35 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 02) Messenger of Pure Grace Pt. 1 |
4309 |
To supplement Christ is to change Him completely, and in today's Christian circles we have many subtle ways of doing that. Ed shares the four great characteristics of a messenger of pure grace shown in Paul that should also be in our lives. A messenger of grace does not receive his message from men and lives in revelation from God Himself which transforms him. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_02Chap0102.mp3 |
Galatians 1 - 2 |
36 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 03) Messenger of Pure Grace Pt. 2 |
4309 |
Peter's error shows that the way we live has a powerful influence upon those who watch us. Paul's stern rebuke centers upon three great cardinal truths about pure grace: 1) all flesh must approach God in the shows of sinners, 2) we must be saved by pure grace, and 3) justification is grounded in the merits of Jesus Christ. The victory for the Christian hinges upon the only One who has victory--Christ--and our being in Him. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_03Chap0102.mp3 |
Galatians 2 |
37 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 04) Overview of Chapters 3-4 |
4309 |
The four big things the Holy Spirit emphasizes in chapters 3 and 4 are the law, the Lord Jesus Christ's relationship to the law, Abraham and his relationship to salvation, and how the law relates to us. Ed shows how Christians are still under the law (i.e., God's character) but are not under law as a way of life; we are under grace to keep it. The good news is that Christ "intercepted" the curse of the law for the whole human race! |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_04Chap0304Overview.mp3 |
Galatians 3 - 4 |
38 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 05) Message of Pure Grace |
4309 |
How can we know whether or not the message is pure grace? Paul starts off with the lowest plane of proof, personal experience, and then goes to the objective truth of Scripture. The purpose of the old covenant was to drive one in need to the everlasting covenent which is all one-sided: it's God's covenant. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_05Chap03.mp3 |
Galatians 3 |
39 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 06) Purposes of Pure Grace |
4309 |
Pure grace at its best first is expressed in chapter 4 as adoption. In order to enjoy your privileges of adoption to adulthood, it's not by you doing something but you just receive it as a gift of God. "The more you grow in Christ," teaches Ed, "the more childlike you'll get and God will remove every trace of sophistication from your soul." |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_06Chap04_01-11.mp3 |
Galatians 4:1-11 |
40 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 07) Methods & Crowning Characteristics of Pure Grace |
4309 |
The Lord Jesus Christ is progressively forming in you like a baby in the womb. The allegory of Sarah and Hagar teaches us that fruit in the Christian life is dependent upon a miracle of God. What is the crowning characteristic of pure grace? It's the liberty of letting God do it. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_07Chap04_End.mp3 |
Galatians 4:12-31 |
41 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 08) Outworkings of Pure Grace Pt. 1 |
4309 |
What will be true in my life if I'm looking to Jesus alone? Christian liberty has nothing to do with what you do or don't do; it's a heart liberty to live your life by what God does, not what you do. It is by looking to Jesus that the fruit of the Spirit marvellously manifests itself. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_08Chap05.mp3 |
Galatians 5 |
42 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
Galatians |
(Galatians 09) Outworkings of Pure Grace Pt. 2 |
4309 |
Galatains 6:1-10 gives 5 characteristics of the outworkings of pure grace: humility, a sympathetic heart, generosity, perserverance and a "worldwide heart". These objective tests are presented to help us see if we are truly being changed by the grace of God. Ed clinches this series of messages by asking three questions that underscore God's heart for the whole book. |
Ed Miller |
Galatians01_09Chap06Conclusion.mp3 |
Galatians 6 |
43 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 01) Introduction |
4307 |
Ed introduces the book of 2 Corinthians how it relates to 1 Corinthians and to Paul, its theme, and outline. The general outline is Christ's all-sufficiency in us (chap. 1-7), through us (chap. 8-9), and for us (chap. 10-13). Though Paul was a tentmaker, he lived in the tent of Christ's all-sufficiency. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_01Intro.mp3 |
2 Corinthians |
44 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 02) Chapter 01:1-11 |
4307 |
Christ was all-sufficient for Paul in all of his afflictions, which made him a minister of comfort to others. God will deliberately take you beyond what you can bear that might trust only in Him. God gives you the grace you need when you need it to transform the rough spots into heaven. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_02Chap01_1-11.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 1:1-11 |
45 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 03) Unchanging Purpose; Unflinching Honesty |
4307 |
Paul didn't glory in his trouble but in the Lord Jesus in troubles. Paul's unchanging purpose was living for God's highest glory and man's greatest good. Jesus is always faithful to the purpose of His heart--to make you like Himself. What made Paul spiritual was not a lack of anxiety or fear but being real and honest with God. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_03.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:13 |
46 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 04) Chapter 2:14-17 |
4307 |
As Paul knew Jesus, he was transformed into an instrument of blessing. Jesus has victory; Paul has Jesus; Paul was not living in Paul's victory. Paul learned the glorious freedom to his heart concerning ministry: the goal of all ministry is to minister firstly to the heart of God. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_04Chap02_14-17.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 2:14-17 |
47 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 05) Chapter 3: New Covenant |
4307 |
If 2 Corinthians were a car, chapter 3 would be the engine. The Holy Spirit is concerned about what's on the inside. The starting point of liberty is bondage; until we see and feel our bondage, we'll never be free. Real and lasting change only happens when we come with an unveiled face by the Spirit to see Jesus Christ in the Bible. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_05Chap03_NewCovernant.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 3 |
48 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 06) Chapter 4: Broken |
4307 |
We come with an unveiled face to get Jesus in--how do we get the light of Christ out? The "old clay jug" has to be broken through the hard experiences of life. Unless we are broken, we have not found our place in God's redemptive plan. Death will be relentless in your life to show you your insufficiency. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_06Chap04_Broken.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 4; Judges 6-8 |
49 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 07) Chapters 4-5: Faith |
4307 |
The man rooted in Christ the All-Sufficient One suffers in hope, believing that tribulation is working for him. Our goal is not suffering; it's pleasing Him. When Christ becomes a new universe to you, you won't be retaliating against injustices doen to you and you'll no more regard human distinctions, such as race, position, or status. |
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_07Chap0405_Faith.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 4-5 |
50 |
New Testament Books |
Church Epistles |
II Corinthians |
(2 Corinthians 08) Chapter 6 |
4307 |
A Christian who has experienced the all-sufficiency of Christ keeps himself by the grace of God, yoked to Christ, in the Holy of Holies. An "outer court Christian" is one who has come as far as the cleansing through the cross. An "inner court Christian" knows the ways of God, but a "Holy of Holies Christian" knows God Himself. Any separation from this world must come because of a separation to Christ.
Ed Miller |
Corinthians02_08Chap06.mp3 |
2 Corinthians 6 |