Peter 2006 List

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 1 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 01) Introduction 6017 Peter's distinctive contribution to the history of redemption is being the greatest example in the Bible about progressive sanctification. In the introduction lesson, Ed encapsulates this progressive change in the Gospels as "The end of Peter", in Acts as "The beginning of Christ in Peter", and in the Epistles as "Manifesting Christ". In Luke 5 the Lord Jesus used failure in reality #1 (human reason and wisdom) to introduce him to reality #2--the spiritual reality of catching men alive. The very way that Jesus Christ changed Peter is the very way He'll change us! Ed Miller 1_Intro_Life_of_Peter_2006.mp3 John 1:40-42; Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 26:41
 2 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 02) Walking on Water 6017 Peter's desire to go to the Lord on the water was right in the middle of a test of the truth presented by the miracle of the loaves: I must keep coming back to Jesus for what I need to obey. Peter was trusting in his faith to keep him afloat, but he had to learn that it was Jesus' coming to him that was his salvation. Another step in Peter coming to an end of Peter was learning that his flesh was weak. Ed Miller 2_Walking_on_Water.mp3 Matthew 14:13-32
 3 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 03) Caesera Philippi 6017 Another step the Lord Jesus took in bringing Peter to an end to himself was introducing him to the great reality that God must reveal Christ for true change to happen. We, like Peter, are ever focused on doing than being; but God is concerned about who we are. Jesus Christ is only known through the revelation of heaven and that revelation transforms! Ed Miller 3_Caesera_Philippi.mp3 Matthew 16:13-23; Matthew 18:15-35
 4 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 04) Peter's Denial 6017 Peter was trusting in his own will power and determination when he denied the Lord. Self will is the tenacious part of the self life and the last thing to go. A real devil out there is one of the reasons why we cannot rely upon our own earnestness and self determination. Ed Miller 4_Peters_Denial.mp3 Matthew 26:30-35; John 13:8-10; Luke 22:31-32
 5 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 05) Repentance 6017 The look of Jesus worked a new covenant repentance in Peter that looks similar to old covenant repentance but is qualitatively different on the inside. God uses providence (roosters crowing) and grace (Jesus' look of love) to effect genuine repentance. The prayers of Jesus act as a great net to limit the extent of our sin and failure. Ed Miller 5_Life_of_Peter_Repentance.mp3 Luke 22:61, Jeremiah 31:18-19
 6 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 06) Restoration 6017 John 21 centers upon fishing and shepherding--the Great Commission in picture form! The charcoal fire, Peter's old name, the questions about his love all worked in his new covenant restoration to free him from his past. How can I be a victorious fisherman? Just live! How can I be a victorious shepherd? Just love Jesus! The simplicity of the Christian life is just live and love Jesus. Ed Miller 6_Life_of_Peter_Restoration.mp3 John 21:1-19
 7 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 07) Acts: New Bible Sense of Indwelling 6017 Peter represents every Christian who has entered into the new reality of the indwelling life of God and has no confidence in the flesh. The new Peter has a new Bible that's full of Christ. The new Peter has a keen awareness of the indwelling life of God, as illustrated in the healing of the lame man at Gate Beautiful. Ed Miller 07_Life_of Peter_Acts_New_Bible_Sense_of_Indwelling.mp3 Acts 1-4
 8 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 08) Acts: Shadow and Rest 6017 The new Peter experienced a new love and unity with the people of God, a new joy, a new boldness. As illustrated by the many healed in his shadow, Peter is now the garment of Christ, living a "supernatural naturalness" of just living and God blessing all along the way. Ed Miller 08_Life_of_Peter_Acts_Shadow_and_Rest.mp3 Acts 2-12
 9 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 09) Transition: Jew and Gentile 6017 There is a transition between Peter in Acts and Peter in the Epistles where God has to settle in his heart before he can manifest Christ. The illustration of this heart issue is the Jew-Gentile conflict. God gently takes Peter along (as He will each of us) to where this issue can be settled. Ed Miller 09_Life_of_Peter_Transition_ Jew_and_Gentile.mp3 Acts 9-11
 10 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 10) Transition: Law and Grace 6017 The Jew-Gentile issue is a powerful illustration of the law-grace issue from which no Christian is exempt. Through Paul's confrontation in Antioch, Peter has to learn that he was not a "big gun" but a plain old sinner in need of the grace of God. He learned that he must embrace pure grace, having sweet fellowship with rejected Gentiles in Joppa as opposed to holding onto "spiritual giant" status with those in Jerusalem who argue about doctrine. Ed Miller 10_Life_of_Peter_Law_and_Grace.mp3 Acts 15, Galatians 2
 11 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 11) Full Manifestation of Jesus 6017 The three things that mark Peter as a mature Christian manifesting Christ are the same we can expect in our maturity. In Peter's two epistles he views the Christian life as a pilgrimage, a spiritual priesthood, and submitted to undeserved suffering. The whole purpose of life is to show forth of the excellencies--the glory, the beauty--of Christ who lives in us! Ed Miller 11_Life_of_Peter_Full_Manifestion_of_Jesus.mp3 1 Peter; 2 Peter
 12 Biographies Peter 2006 (Life of Peter 12) Conclusion: Transfiguration 6017 30 years after Christ's resurrection, the apostle Peter in reviewing all of the great moments and turning points in his life seizes upon the Mount of Transfiguration as the greatest. In the Transfiguration Jesus taught him how to study the Bible. God wants us to have the prophetic word made more sure by a present revelation of Christ! Ed Miller 12_Life_of_Peter_Conclusion_Transfiguration.mp3 2 Peter 1:12-21