Psalms List

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 1 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 01) Introduction 3307 What does God want to accomplish in my heart through the Book of Psalms? He wants to make me a rejoicing, singing Christian! God wants me to learn a new song with every changing experience of life. Ed shares five observations of Psalms as a whole to introduce this series. Ed Miller Psalm_01_Instro.mp3 Psalm 25:14-15
 2 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 02) Chapter 1 3307 Psalm 1 is the "prologue psalm" both in its method of striking contrasts and message. The psalm is loaded down with wonderful truths about the "blessednesses" of the man planted by the rivers and the full picture of what it means to be separated from and separated unto. "The only responsibility of the Christian," Ed remarks, "is to drink...[for] God has made every provision." Ed Miller Psalm_02_Trinity.mp3 Psalm 1
 3 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 03) Trinity Word Pictures 3307 To get the maximum benefit out of Psalms, study them to know God through the tremendous figures of speech. Psalms is loaded with common expressions of everyday life, pictures and superlatives to unveil God's most intimate self to us. Ed gives a sample the whitest thing on earth (snow) and the sweetest natural thing (honey) as pictures for which the reality is infinitely greater. Ed Miller Psalm_03_Trinity_WordPictures.mp3 Psalm 18:2, Psalm 51:7, Psalm 103:11-12
 4 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 04) Word Pictures Conclusion 3307 Ed continues various word pictures, such as how protected we are as the apple of God's eye, how sure footed we as having hind's feet, and how thought of as the sands of all the earth. A song is what God wants to accomplish in our hearts. 1999-12-16 Ed Miller Psalm_04_WordPicturesConclusion.mp3 Psalm 17:8-9, Psalm 18:33, Psalm 77:19
 5 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 05) Prayer Pt. 1 3307 How do the prayers in Psalms help me in my prayer life? Every prayer in Psalms is a song; your please's become thank you's. These short and inspired prayers are "master key prayers", general prayers that express God's heart, like "Father, glorify Your name." Prayer in its essence is a spiritual pouring out of our hearts to God. Ed Miller Psalm_05_Prayer.mp3 Psalm 62:8, Romans 8:26
 6 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 06) Prayer Pt. 2 3307 Ed shares a rich selection of principles about prayer in this message. Prayer is not something you say; it you. God regards the whole life (groaning, sighing, weeping, looking, desiring) as prayer, as seen in the Psalms. The goal of prayer is not answers but the knowledge of God. Ed Miller Psalm_06_Prayer.mp3 Psalm 18, Ephesians 3:20
 7 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 07) Prayer Pt. 3 3307 Ed shares helpful thoughts from study of prayers in the Psalms to make forward steps in our praise life. The encouragement is to pray "telescopically" (broad, general prayers), get grounded thoroughly in God's holiness, and avoid being "prayer-centered" by keeping your eyes on the Lord. Also, Ed tackles some puzzling emphases in the Psalms, such as the apparent abundance of personal vengeance. Ed Miller Psalm_07_Prayer.mp3 Psalm 25:2-4 & numerous references
 8 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 08 - Historical Headings) Chapter 3 3307 Sometimes the background helps you enter the psalm. Psalm 3 was a song that came as a result of David's failures with polygamy and failure to execute justice on Absalom's murder. The good news is that we can still expect victory in the Lord even when the trouble that comes to us is our fault. Ed Miller Psalm_08_HistoricalHeadings.mp3 Psalm 3
 9 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 09 - Historical Headings) Chapters 34, 56, 52 3307 These three psalms David wrote praising God for undeserved deliverance from trials that developed from leaning to his own natural strength and cleverness. We can take courage that God is going to turn things around in the end and deals with us with the "deep you" of the heart's direction rather than the "surface you" that makes mistakes along the way. Ed Miller Psalm_09.mp3 Psalm 34, 56, 52
 10 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 10 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapter 120: Introduction 3307 Ed begins a new series on the "Psalms of Ascent" or "Pilgrim Psalms" from Psalm 120 through Psalm 134. The order of the psalms is a spiritual history of your heart ascending into the knowledge of God. Psalm 120 begins the journey with a "holy dissatisfaction" to be delivered from unreality. Ed Miller Psalm_10_InstroToPsalmsOfAscent.mp3 Psalm 120
 11 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 11 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapter 121: Looking to the Lord 3307 The second step in advancing in Christ is the simplicity of faith: I will lift up my eyes. If I look to the Lord alone, He will take care of everything else in my life. Ed Miller Psalm_11_LookingToLord.mp3 Psalm 121
 12 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 12 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapter 122: Reality 3307 Are you looking in reality to Jesus? This psalm goes beyond talking about victory over sins and union with the Lord to actual possession. As we look to Jesus alone, He opens our eyes to see the many saints of the Body of Christ 'standing within the gates' of Jerusalem, a physical picture of the new Jerusalem, the metropolis of the whole universe. Ed Miller Psalm_12_Psalms_Chap122Reality_cut.mp3 Psalm 122
 13 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 13 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapter 123: Surrender 3307 Waiting on the Lord is not passivity but focusing on the Lord and listening for the next command. It is total surrender in that it is faith that is willing to be done unto. In God's sovereignty even the devil's sweat is for the purpose of making you a better Christian; just ask Job. Ed Miller Psalm_13_Psalms_Chap123Surrender.mp3 Psalm 123
 14 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 14 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapters 124-125: Invincible Grace 3307 Psalm 124 contains three graphic pictures (a wild beast, a raging river, the snare of the fowler) that picture the invincible grace of God. It has been the unconquerable grace of God watching over you all the way! Psalm 125 shows the security and stability of one grounded in the truths of the first five Psalms of Ascent. Ed Miller Psalm_14_Psalms_InvinceableGrace.mp3 Psalm 124 - 125
 15 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 15 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapters 126-127: Fruit 3307 Two more great marks of a life that is ascending in union with the Savior are liberty and fruit. Psalm 126 illustrates the principle of Christian joy when delivered from any bondage. Psalm 127 shows the fruit (i.e., children) that comes when one sets one's heart upon the Lord. "Any plan will work," says Ed, "if God blesses it." Ed Miller Psalm_15_Chap127Fruit.mp3 Psalm 126 - 127
 16 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 16 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapters 128-130 3307 The chief principle of Psalm 128 is contentment, a blessed satisfaction that comes from trusting Christ. Psalm 129 is the one who touches every situation with the throne of God. The glorious truth of Psalm 130 is the believer who does not live under condemnation. Ed Miller Psalm_16_Chap128-130.mp3 Psalm 128 - 130
 17 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 18 - Psalms of Ascent) Chapters 132-134: Clincher 3307 What is the highest life in Christ of the Psalms of Ascent? Psalm 132 advances from us resting to the Lord to the Lord resting in us. Psalm 133 moves upward to the blessing of life forever more through Christ our High Priest. The climactic psalm (134) pictures priests by night who are occupied with watching and praising the Lord. Ed Miller Psalm_18_Chap120-134ClincherToPsOfAscentt.mp3 Psalm 132 - 134
 18 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 19 - Messianic Psalms) Introduction 3307 These 14 psalms designated as "Messianic Psalms" are selected as such because of their quotation in the New Testament applied to our Lord Jesus. God uses David as a picture of Messiah (the Anointed One) and in Christ fulfills the great poetical language that far transcended David's experience. Ed closes with three simple suggestions of getting all God's heart in these Messianic psalms. Ed Miller Psalm_19IntroToMessianicPsalms.mp3 Psalm 2:12, 1 Peter 1:10-11, Luke 22:44-45
 19 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 20 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 2: God's King 3307 Psalm 2 paints a portrait of the everlasting sonship of the King. The main message is: Jesus reigns. Ed outlines 5 observations of how Psalm 2 is a good preparation for the Messianic psalms as a whole. Ed Miller Psalm_20GodsKing.mp3 Psalm 2, Acts 4:25-28
 20 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 21 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 8: Lord of All Mankind 3307 Man was creation to be lord over God's creation. Though we be nothing, we are called to trust Jesus, who has all authority. The key to laying hold of this psalm is Jesus' spiritual application of it in Matthew 21: come as a little babe. Ed Miller Psalm_21Chap8.mp3 Psalm 8, Hebrews 2:5-9, Matthew 21:17
 21 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 22 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 40: Birth & Perfect Life 3307 Psalm 40 is a salvation psalm singing about God's unnumbered mercies and man's unnumbered sins. The life of the Christian is one who delights to obey God; without delight there is no obedience. The reality behind the sacrificial system (the picture) was to David "sincerity" but to Jesus, "It's Me." Ed Miller Psalm_22Chap40.mp3 Psalm 40
 22 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 23 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 41: Betrayal 3307 Athithophel, David's trusted counsellor, is in several striking ways a shadow of Judas who betrayed Jesus. Ed also contrasts the differences between Athithophel and Judas to get closer to the heart of God. Ed Miller Psalm_23Chap41.mp3 Psalm 41
 23 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 24 - Messianic Psalms) Chapters 69 & 22: Sufferings & Crucifixion 3307 The "Calvary Psalms" answers the question why did Jesus suffer (Ps. 69) and how He suffered (Ps. 22). Jesus as the innocent sufferer means practically for us that undeserved suffering is a blessing for someone else. The rich descriptive language of the cross in Psalm 22 has application as well, that unanswered prayer is only imagined and it ends in a song; God will come through! Ed Miller Psalm_24Chap69.mp3 Psalm 69, 22
 24 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 25 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 16: Resurrection 3307 Psalm 16 is one of the most God-centered psalms of all the psalms, so fitting for the theme of the victorious life! The more we delight in the Lord, the more we delight in fellow Christians. Whatever our lot in life, we are supported by the Lord, so that we may boldly say with the hymnist: "It is well with my soul." Ed Miller Psalm_25Chap16.mp3 Psalm 16, Acts 2:25-28
 25 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 26 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 118: Exaltation 3307 Psalm 118 is very messianic, being quoted 11 times in the New Testament, centering upon the rejected Cornerstone and the second coming of the Lord Jesus. God surprised the psalmist with deliverance, and in Christ the surprise was the resurrection! Ed Miller Psalm_26Chap118.mp3 Psalm 118
 26 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 27 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 68: Ascension of Christ 3307 Some have called this messianic psalm of victory one of the grandest psalms in the Old Testament. The psalmist saw the God that was to be the same as He is and ever will be. The reality of Christ's ascension, as applied by the Holy Spirit in Ephesians, excels even this marvellous picture. Ed Miller Psalm_27Chap68.mp3 Psalm 68, Ephesians 4:8-13
 27 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 28 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 45: Marriage 3307 This Messianic Psalm is a love story of two worlds that begins and ends with the groom at his royal best. No one knows with certainty which historic king it was, but no doubt it pictures the Lord Jesus Christ and His union with His Bride. Ed Miller Psalm_28Chap45.mp3 Psalm 45
 28 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Psalm 29 - Messianic Psalms) Chapter 110 3307 Psalm 110 is the most Messianic of all the psalms, and is not only quoted in the New Testament more than any other psalm but any other book in the Old Testament. Messiah will be a priest upon a throne, served by an army of willing servants. The Lord Jesus is like Melchizedek--the only priest-king, mysterious, and just shows up when you need Him! Ed Miller Psalm_29Chap110.mp3 Psalm 110
 29 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Royal Psalms 01) Chapters 93 & 94 3307 What should our life look like if Christ is reigning in our hearts? The first truth is a call to faith. Psalm 93 shows the Lord Jesus as entire Creator and absolute Lord. Then Psalm 94 comes along and it seems like the wickedness of man is triumphing. When by all appearances it seems that Christ is not reigning, faith sees Christ's throne infinitely higher than the mightiest waves that pound against it! Ed Miller Royal_Psalms_01.mp3 Psalm 93, Psalm 94
 30 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Royal Psalms 02) Chapters 93 & 94 3307 Unfortunately only the first 17 minutes were recorded, but Ed gives an excellent overview of the Royal Psalms and summary of the message of Psalm 93 and 94 from Part #1. We are to take the Lord Jesus' reign by faith. It is God's will that you reign with Christ, not just survive or get by. Ed Miller Royal_Psalms_02.mp3 Psalm 93, Psalm 94
 31 Old Testament Books Poetry Psalms (Royal Psalms 03) Chapters 99 & 100 3307 "The climax of the Christian experience of knowing Christ as King," says Ed, "has to do with a revelation of God Himself." The royal psalms progress from the song of rest to the song of victory to this song of service. The King has stepped down from His throne to shepherd His sheep, a great principle that serving the Lord with gladness comes from letting Him serve you. Ed Miller Royal_Psalms_03.mp3 Psalm 99, Psalm 100