Numbers List

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 1 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 01) Introduction 317 The theme of Numbers is the ways of God illustrated by the journey through the wilderness. The message of Numbers is how faithful God is when we rebel. The nine great murmurings of the people of God teach that there are no second causes for the Christian. All complaining is a practical denial of the sovereignty of God. Ed Miller Numbers_01.mp3 Numbers
 2 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 02) The Murmurings 317 The natural heart is a griping heart, complaining against circumstances and God's wonderful provision, land and leaders. What's the cure for a life of complaining? Only keeping your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ will turn griping into gratitude. Ed Miller Numbers_02TheMurmurings.mp3 Numbers 2
 3 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 03) Chapters 1:1-10:10 - Last Three Weeks at Sinai 317 Numbers 1 though 10 illustrate what the Lord is like when we're in His will. The numbering and ordering of the 12 tribes (chapters 1-2) and Levi (3-4) point to the war of redemption and organization for redemption. Christ is pictured as the faithful God, the God of immanance (nearness), the warrior God, and the God of omniscience. Ed Miller Numbers_03_01.mp3 Numbers 1:1-10:10
 4 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 04) Chapters 3-4 317 Dedication is an outworking of deliverance/salvation. God breaks in His servants gradually (priests had to wait 5 years). The camp was organized to redeem, a picture of a Christ-centered people moving as one body. Ed Miller Numbers_04Chap0304.mp3 Numbers 3-4
 5 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 05) Chapter 5 317 Through the numerous laws of physical and spiritual cleansing, the great revelation of Christ is immanence (nearness) of the holy God. Holiness is not the goal but a clean heart where He can dwell. Willingness to make it right with men (restitution) is the test as to whether or not holiness is really true in your heart. Ed Miller Numbers_05Chap05_cut.mp3 Numbers 5
 6 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 06) Chapter 6: Nazarite 317 The three basic requirements--no grapes, no razor to the hair, no touching of a dead body--for the Nazarite illustrate spiritual principles. A heart Nazarite must surrender all his natural joys to the Lord; only Christ is the source of joy. The long hair testified to a publicly surrendered life. The rules about death pointed to a surrender of all family ties to the Lord. Ed Miller Numbers_06Nazarite.mp3 Numbers 6
 7 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 07) Chapters 7-8: Giving Service 317 The central message of the high priestly benediction is that Jesus Christ is the One who gives the blessing. The princely offerings of the 12 princes in Numbers 7 is a sample of how God takes record for all gifts to Him. Though He has no needs, He is the God of appreciation. The qualifications for Levitical service in Numbers 8 center upon two questions: Are you clean? Are you walking in the way? Ed Miller Numbers_07Chap0708_GivingService.mp3 Numbers 7-8
 8 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 08) Chapter 9: Guidance 317 Guidance is a Person; the secret of guidance is the Guide. The God of glory always leads in a path of glory. The Shekinah cloud further illustrates that in the life of the Christian guidance is constant, gradual, and clear. Ed Miller Numbers_08Chap09_Guidance.mp3 Numbers 9
 9 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 09) Chapter 10: Guidance 317 The Lord guides not only by the glory of God (general guidance via the Shekinah cloud) but by the voice of God (as typified by specific guidance of the silver trumpets). The voice of God is heard in His word, in circumstances, and in the heart. When Jesus is Lord, the King of your life, you'll never miss the way. Ed Miller Numbers_09Chap10_Guidance.mp3 Numbers 10
 10 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 10) Chapters 11-12: Murmuring 317 All griping is against the Lord. While there are many occasions for grumbling, there is only one reason: dissatisfaction with Christ. The main symptom of not looking to Jesus is murmuring. Occasions for murmuring illustrated in Numbers 10 include adverse circumstances, too much responsibility (Moses), sight and spiritual pride (Joshua). Ed Miller Numbers_10Chap11_12_Murmuring.mp3 Numbers 11-12
 11 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 11) Chapters 13-14: Unbelief 317 There is only one reason anyone is shut out of inheriting Christ: unbelief. The one key characteristic of unbelief is leaving God out. Different expressions of shutting God out include wanting to know the future, looking to what which is seen rather than unseen, grumbling, opposing those who bring God in, and presumption. Ed Miller Numbers_11Chap1314_Unbelief.mp3 Numbers 13-14
 12 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 12) Chapters 15-16: Faithfulness of God 317 The land is a place where you can fulfill your vows. God's severe judgment (on the man gathering sticks on the Sabbath) keeps the foundation pure when He is doing a new thing. In chapter 16 the sin and death of Korah and Dathan are the negative illustration of what the character of a true servant of God should be. Ed Miller Numbers_12_01.mp3 Numbers 15-16
 13 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 13) Chapters 17-18: The Man God Chooses 317 The man God chooses will have supernatural fruit. My hope for producing fruit is laying as a dead stick before the Lord. The man God chooses does everything in union with the great High Priest (chapter 18). The man God chooses has the Lord as His portion, not even good substitutes like the cross and the blood. A relationship with God Himself is so thrilling! Ed Miller Numbers_13_01.mp3 Numbers 17-18
 14 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Numbers (Numbers 14) Chapters 19-21: Conclusion 317 The story of the red heifer in chapter 19 pictures cleansing and our constant need for the blood of Christ. Moses' striking the rock in chapter 20 ruined God's picture of Christ the Rock struck once at the cross and thereafter yielding "water" simply by speaking. The serpent lifted up in the wilderness teaches looking to Jesus alone for life. Ed Miller Numbers_14Chap19_21Conclusion.mp3 Numbers 19-21