Elijah List

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 1 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 01) Introduction 6007 God has linked Elijah's life very closely with the Christian experience. The word of God to Elijah, a man of like passions, is the same for us today. "Go hide yourself" (the hidden life) must preceed "Go show yourself" (the public ministry). Ed Miller Elijah_01Intro_01_cut.mp3 1 Kings 17 - 2 Kings 2
 2 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 02) The Hidden Life 6007 Like Elijah, we must be trained by God in private before we can manifest Christ openly before men. The first revelation Elijah had to see was that God is enough. God tests our faith by drying up our Brook Cherith gradually that we see God is our strength, not as the God who gives strength. Ed Miller Elijah_02TheHiddenLife_01.mp3 1 Kings 17:1-7, James 5:17
 3 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 03) More Than Enough 6007 After lesson one about the hidden life of learning that God is enough at Brook Cherith, the next is being completely weaned from one's own adequacy with the widow at Zeraphath. Through the multiplied flour and oil Elijah learned that God is more than enough! Ed Miller Elijah_03MoreThanEnough_01.mp3 1 Kings 17
 4 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 04) Restoration Life 6007 Elisha progressively learns God is enough (at the brook), God is more than enough (miracle of flour and oil), and now God is more than enough through me. God was calling Elijah to do something that had never been done before--resurrection. Elijah, like us, need to know that it's the life of God that brings life! Ed Miller Elijah_04RestorationLife_01_cut.mp3 1 Kings 17:17-24
 5 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 05) Go Show Yourself - 1 Kings 18 6007 Mount Carmel is designed in principle to be the normal Christian life. If I have learned that God is more than enough through me, every day of my life will be a contest with Baal--living by the natural or the supernatural. Ed Miller Elijah_05GoShowYourself_Kings18_01.mp3 1 Kings 18
 6 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 06) Ministering In God's Authority 6007 The first characteristic of one who has learned that God is enough through him is he goes out in the authority of the Lord. God's fire that came down from heaven overcame all obstacles--the unbelief and disobedience of the people. The whole issue was not about God vindicating His servant but the knowledge of the Lord. Ed Miller Elijah_06MinisteringInGodsAuthority_01.mp3 1 Kings 18, Galatians 5:16-17
 7 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 07) Go Show Yourself 6007 The servant of the Lord walks by faith and not by presumption. How can we know if something is really faith or merely presumption? The servant of the Lord has an objective victory. The fire should have fallen upon the people and the Baal worshipers; instead it fell upon the sacrifice, a type of Christ on the cross! Ed Miller Elijah_07GoShowYourself_01_cut.mp3 1 Kings 18
 8 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 08) Elijah's Restoration - Introduction 6007 The consummation of Elijah's ministry is also what we can expect: 1) those whose hearts are set on Baal will remain unchanged, 2) childlike faith perseveres, and 3) our ministry is a forerunning ministry. How did Elijah lose the conscious presence of the Lord? Any slip or fall is one that leaves grace and goes back to the law, even as Elijah found himself repeating Israel's history wandering in the wilderness and standing on Mt. Sinai. Ed Miller Elijah_08ElijahsRestorationIntro_01.mp3 1 Kings 18:41 - 19:12
 9 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 09) Elijah's Restoration - Part 2 6007 Only the Lord Himself can restore the soul of the discouraged. Elijah didn't need a pep talk or a rebuke; the Son of God (Angel of the LORD) came all the way from heaven to give a sandwich and a nap! What has God promised when His child is under the juniper tree? Ed Miller Elijah_08ElijahsRestoration_01_cut.mp3 1 Kings 19:1 - 19:12, Matthew 11:2-11
 10 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 10) Elijah's Restoration - Part 3 6007 What are four things in Elijah's life that God uses in our lives to bring about a full restoration? He physically revives us and encourages us about fruit (7,000 had not bowed their knee to Baal). The Lord brings about new responsibilities and supernatural friends (like Elisha). God has no shelf for those who receive His restoration! Ed Miller Elijah_10ElijahsRestoration_01.mp3 1 Kings 19
 11 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 11) Elijah's Restoration - Part 4 6007 What will God do to get me out of my deep, dark cave? God had to reteach those spiritual principles Elijah had learned at Brook Cherith. It takes a miracle of God to make us realize our ministry ends with preparation. 2004-01-08 Ed Miller Elijah_11ElijahsRestoration_01_cut.mp3 1 Kings 19:8-18
 12 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 12) Post Restoration - Part 1 6007 What follows restoration? Elijah learned that it's not about Elijah but God can use any instrument He wants. Elijah now worked in unity with the "body of Christ", lived by spiritual insight, and poured his life into one man--Elisha. Ed Miller Elijah_12PostRestoration_01.mp3 1 Kings 19 - 24
 13 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 13) Post Restoration - Part 2 6007 Elijah's scarcity points to the nature of a forerunning to disappear. In these last chapters of the prophet's life he is entering into a new dimension of rest concerning the government of God. Ed Miller Elijah_13PostRestoration_01.mp3 1 Kings 20 - 21
 14 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 14) Focus - 1 Kings 19 6007 A third characteristic of Elijah's post-restoration life is he was a man whose spiritual eyes were very focused. He entered into a rest where he was just walking with the Lord and let God work out the timing of the commandments. Ed Miller Elijah_14Focus_Kings01_19_cut.mp3 1 Kings 19
 15 Biographies Elijah (Elijah 15) Clincher - 2 Kings 2 6007 What Elijah looks like in his maturity is what each believer can also expect in their maturity. As a believer gets closer to the end, there will be an increasing desire to be alone with God. As Elisha experienced, the "hard thing" of receiving the spiritual blessing is because it requires spiritual focus--keeping your eyes on the Lord. Ed Miller Elijah_15.mp3 2 Kings 2