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 1 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 01) Introduction 4601 "The book of Revelation", Ed announces, "is the clearest, simplest, grandest revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the whole Bible." It is also a tremendous book for "smoke". The strong, symbolic language, everybody having different approaches, and Satan hating this book are some big reasons why it is such a neglected book. The recurring themes of "Lamb" and "throne" comprise the main message: The Lamb on the throne in the church, in the world, and in eternity! Ed Miller Revelation_01Introduction.mp3 Revelation
 2 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 02) Chapters 1-3 4601 The only Bible way to face the future is by being on your face before the full revelation of Christ. There are really 8 churches--7 churches not looking to Christ and John typifying the ideal church looking to Christ. John's ministry to the seven churches was to bring them the revelation they had lost. Ed Miller Revelation_02Chap01-03.mp3 Revelation 1-3
 3 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 03) Chapters 4-5 4601 Chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation are the the key to the whole book; everything that follows flows out of these two chapters. The spotlight of the Holy Spirit moves that we might see big things, and the first thing to observe is all of heaven. The scroll is best understood in light of the Redeemer-Kinsman who has come to reclaim His rightful possession and disposses all usurpers! Ed Miller Revelation_03.mp3 Revelation 4-5
 4 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 04) Chapters 6-7 4601 Human history is not the theme but the stage upon which Christ is the divine Actor. The opening of the seven seals shows us that the Lord Jesus Christ is absolute, sovereign Lord! Ed Miller Revelation_04.mp3 Revelation 6-7
 5 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 05) Chapter 08-10 4601 In this section, Ed homes in that which is 100% certain and drives us to be Christ-centered. The descriptions of the seven trumpets are given in such a way as transcending time. As things progress from worse to worst, we are shown the Lord Jesus again and again as an angel portraying His great offices of prophet, priest and king. Ed Miller Revelation_05Chap08-11.mp3 Revelation 8 - 10
 6 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 06) Chapter 10-11 4601 Ed continues this long section of the book that depicts the Lamb on the throne in the world. He expounds upon the dramatic scene of the glorious angel in chapter 10, the two witnesses in chapter 11, and the "7 personages" that populate chapters 12 through 17. The Antichrist is a warning to us to beware of all imitations and unreality. Ed Miller Revelation_06Chap10-11.mp3 Revelation 10 - 11
 7 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 07) Chapters 12-17 4601 The "7 personages" occupying the landscape of chapters 12 through 17 are the seven prominent "actors" on this stage of history. The great red dragon, the beast from the sea, and the beast from the land are a mimicry of the triune God. Ed Miller Revelation_07Chap12-17.mp3 Revelation 12-17
 8 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 08) Chapters 14-16 4601 Ed shares 4 great revelations of Christ, such as His keeping power with the 144,000. The new song of the redeemed shows us how God wants to teach us a new song in every experience of life. Even in wrath and judgment, the joy of heaven is that Christ is entering into His glory. Ed Miller Revelation_08Chap14-16.mp3 Revelation 14-16
 9 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 09) Chapter 19:1-10 4601 Praise is the grand finale of the Christian experience, a celebration of the highest accomplishments of God! Those who are the closest to the glory of God lead the rest of the redeemed in praise. Our encouragement is to live close to the throne and draw others into the same hallelujahs and amens. Ed Miller Revelation_09Chap19_1-10.mp3 Revelation 19:1-10
 10 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 10) Chapter 19 4601 The climax of all human history and heaven's greatest moment is the King of Kings getting married! Victory and triumph are depicted in Christ's return in the white horse, many crowns, garments, accompanying army, and glorious titles ascribed to Him. The world's greatest confrontation--Armageddon--ends abruptly as Christ performs miracles not seen since the days of Moses and Joshua. 1986-02-25 Ed Miller Revelation_10Chap19-20.mp3 Revelation 19
 11 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 11) Chapters 19:17-20:6 Laying aside the misconceptions of the lake of fire, hell--if not literal--is far worse than the picture. The Millennium is a picture of Christ, the heavenly Canaan, land of milk and honey. Why only 6 verses on the Millennium? Ultimately God wants to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ! Ed Miller Revelation_11Chap19-20.mp3 Revelation 19:17-20:6
 12 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 12) Chapter 20:9-15 4601 Why does the Millennium end after 1,000 years? The Millennium is not heaven, for Satan is bound but not cast into hell, righteousness is enforced but not chosen, and sin is suppressed but not removed. 7 facts dominate this section: the Throne, the One who sits upon it, the void, the resurrected dead, the books, the Book of Life, and the lake of fire. Final judgment teaches us that we either accept the Lamb's perfect record by faith or stand on our own record and be condemned. Ed Miller Revelation_12Chap20-9-15.mp3 Revelation 20:9-15
 13 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 13) Chapters 21-22 4601 We reach an unbelievable summit of revealed truth in these final chapters of the Bible! John is describing life in a whole new dimension. Everything God says about heaven is to turn our eyes to the beauty of Christ which can never be exaggerated. Ed Miller Revelation_13Chap21-22.mp3 Revelation 21-22
 14 New Testament Books Consummation Revelation (Revelation 14) Conclusion 4601 Earth is to be a foretaste of heaven. The New Jerusalem is a place but also a picture of the church in its maturity. We find our true blessedness when God meets our every need as our all sufficient supply! Real service is adoring the Lord. Ed Miller Revelation_14Conclusion.mp3 Revelation 21-22