Genesis Buttonwoods List

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 51 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 51 - Jacob Transformed 312 After the wrestling match, the name changed from Jacob rules to God rules. Yet this transformation did not exempt him from the common problems in life and the consequences of his own sin. Tremendous changes occurred afterwards: 1) He becomes God-centered, and 2) he desired to be righteous and holy. Ed Miller Genesis_No_51.mp3 Genesis 32 - 35
 52 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 52 - Conclusion of Jacob's Life 312 Two more changes in Jacob's life as a result of wrestling with God and prevailing include becoming a man of faith and trusting the Lord without expectations. His changed heart was evidenced in his resitution of giving the birthright back to Esau and obeying God's revelations. On his deathbed he came to expect only what God gives and God allows, and Hebrews 11 reports that he died "leaning on his staff"--a picture of helpless dependence upon the Lord. Ed Miller Genesis_No_52.mp3 Genesis 32, 35, 48-49, Hebrews 11:21
 53 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 53 - Joseph the Complete Christian 312 Joseph is God's illustration of the mature believer, the complete Christian with the faith of Abraham, the surrender of Isaac, and the God-sufficiency of Jacob all rolled up into one. Joseph also marvellously pictures the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, especially in the valley of humiliation and exaltation. The faith of Abraham is seen in the six dreams and faith for others as he spoke concerning the burial of his bones in the Promised Land. Ed Miller Genesis_No_53.mp3 Genesis 37 - 50
 54 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 54 - Joseph: Submission of Isaac 312 A person is complete to the degree he knows the full presence of the Lord in his life. "The LORD was with him" was the secret of Joseph's life. The life of submission to the Lord is very practical. While waiting for God's will to be fulfilled, Joseph was faithful to set his heart on truth and sincerity, obeying those over him in the Lord, setting his heart upon pleasing his Father God, and having a right attitude towards suffering. Ed Miller Genesis_No_54.mp3 Genesis 37 - 50
 55 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 55 - Joseph: All Sufficiency of Christ 312 We learn from Joseph's life that maturity ever has to do with living in the "conditional presence" of God. Because Joseph could see God in everything, he could forgive Potiphar's wife when he later had power to throw her into prison and could forgive his brothers too. For Joseph living in God's presence, evangelism was a natural thing, not one of ramrodding the gospel down people's throats. Ed Miller Genesis_No_55.mp3 Genesis 37 - 50
 56 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 56 - Joseph: Picture of Christ 312 Although there are many striking comparisons of Joseph to the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit homes in on the way Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. The way that Joseph prepares his brothers is the way Jesus prepares us! Ed Miller Genesis_No_56.mp3 Genesis 37 - 45
 57 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 57 - Joseph: Pre-Grace 312 Two evidences of pre-preparation in the lives of Joseph's brother were the terrible sorrow they caused their father--a bitter arrow in their conscience--and famine. It was a severe famine that brought them to Egypt and reduced them to helplessness and created a hunger. The preparation to seeing Joseph started with the conviction of sin, which Joseph masterfully did by calling them spies. Ed Miller Genesis_No_57.mp3 Genesis 37 - 45
 58 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 58 - Joseph's Banquet 312 After conviction of sin, God confuses us with grace in order for His revelation to come to us. Benjamin represents the "everything"--there will be no revelation until the best and last is laid down. The final preparation starts with the banquet, a foretaste of the good things to come. Many get up from the table and miss the kingdom, therefore, we must experience the silver cup. Ed Miller Genesis_No_58.mp3 Genesis 42 - 43
 59 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 59 - The Silver Cup 312 The essence of the Christian life is not coming to God with a gift, filling our "sacks", and then going away. The Lord has His "silver cup" to turn us from seeking His blessing and not His face. The cup had a three-fold ministry to the brothers: 1) a heart searching, 2) genuine repentance, and 3) bringing them back to the feet of Joseph. The Lord Jesus is determined that He will not be a stranger to you! Ed Miller Genesis_No_59.mp3 Genesis 44
 60 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 60 - The Revelation of Joseph 312 The revelation of Christ is always good news! Ed shares 7 things Joseph had to share with his brothers and his father that illustrate the heart of the gospel. In the outworking of this revelation, Israel and his family went back to Goshen loaded down in the caravans, a foretaste of divine grace with one focus: I will see him. Ed Miller Genesis_No_60.mp3 Genesis 45 - 46
 61 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 61 - The Revelation of Joseph 312 The final appearance of God to a patriarch gave assurance to Jacob's theological dilemma of going to Egypt. Following the gospel God personally comes to bring assurance. The four kinds of tears during Joseph's exaltation illustrate the heart of Jesus towards us. He weeps when we're not ready to know Him, tears of joy when we are ready, tears of reception when we return to Him, and tears of disappointment when He doubt His faithfulness. Ed Miller Genesis_No_61.mp3 Genesis 46
 62 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 62 - Joseph's Family Before Pharoah 312 Joseph presenting his brothers before Pharoah is a wonderful picture of Jesus presenting His brothers before God the Father. In this little glimpse, we see Jesus going in before us, unashamed to call us brothers, and stays there with us in the presence of God. Jacob's stand before Pharoah pictures a transformed Israel not looking for one red cent from the greatest monarch of the world but desiring to bless. Ed Miller Genesis_No_62.mp3 Genesis 46 - 50
 63 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 63 - The Dying Faith of Jacob 312 Joseph presenting his children before Jacob is a shadow of Jesus presenting His children before Father God. Jacob died leaning on his staff, a symbol of the reliance upon God after his wrestling match with the Angel. Joseph's oath to bury his bones in Canaan hold a number of truths, one being the faith that the sovereign God will take care of everything. Ed Miller Genesis_No_63.mp3 Genesis 48 - 50
 64 Old Testament Books Pentateuch Genesis Buttonwoods Genesis 64 - Blessings Conclusion 312 The blessings given out to each tribe are suited to their tendencies; even the warnings become blessings if taken heed to. Ed concludes this marvelous study on the book of Genesis by showing the 6 positive characteristics of 6 of the tribes and how these appear in the Church, and contrariwise the 6 negative characteristics and how they manifest as well. Ed Miller Genesis_No_64.mp3 Genesis 49