History 1023

CategoryOld Testament Books
Subcategory2I and II Samuel
TitleHistory Read
Search Order3207
SummaryAn invisible King cannot stay among a people who do not want Him. To trace the Ark is to trace the heart of God. The Ark's missionary journey in the land of the Philistines showed the triumph over the heathen gods and futility of it. The idol Dagon falling before the Ark proclaims, "I am the King; Mine is the throne!" The return of the Ark (chap.6) to a priestly town conveys, "I can't stay away from you." The victory at Mitzpah over the Philistines show that victory through the lamb comes to a people seeking the Lord Himself, not the pictures of Him.
Date Delivered
Date Published
SpeakerEd Miller
File NameSamuel0102_03Chap0108.mp3
Scriptures1 Samuel 1 - 8
Num Copies