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51 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 51) Chapter 15 Conclusion / Begin Chapter 17 |
4106 |
Abiding in Jesus does not just mean fruit of being conformed to the image of Christ but also persecution. The more fruitful you are, the more outside the camp you will be. Prayer was a holy habit of our Lord Jesus. Chapter 17 is the seed plot of the book of Hebrews and His present ministry. |
Ed Miller |
No.51_Gospel_of_John_15_conclusion_ begin_John_17.MP3 |
John 15 & 17 |
52 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 52) Chapter 17: Introduction |
4106 |
Jesus' prayer opens up several breath-taking glimpses of the heart of God, like God's neverchanging love for us, God's gift to Jesus. The Aaronic priesthood foreshadowed Christ as one who gives equal representation before God of each individual child of God. The Lord Jesus Christ came to represent all God's children so that they can stand in the place of divine approval. |
Ed Miller |
No.52_Gospel_of_John_17_Introduction_ Ex_28.MP3 |
John 17 |
53 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 53) Chapter 17: Prophetic, Past Glory, and Eternal Life |
4106 |
The "prophetic past tense" (where Jesus prays as if something has already happened) fills the heart with certainty. Jesus' acquired glory is the glory He acquired while upon earth in His sinless life and death on the cross. It is this glory that He longs to share with His people. Eternal life is the life of the Eternal One living in your heart. |
Ed Miller |
No.53_Gospel_of_John_17_ Prophetic_past_ glory_ Eternal_Life.MP3 |
John 17 |
54 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 54) Chapter 17: Requests |
4106 |
In Christ's High Priestly Prayer, seven requests are noted: knowing God, being kept from sin, sanctification, unity, beholding His glory, knowing His love, and missions. When you pray, do you model them after the prayers of our Lord Jesus? We are here because we have a God to know and make known, not because we have a "job to do". Regarding Jesus' prayer for Christian unity, you can transcend all the differences among Christians by focusing on Christ. |
Ed Miller |
No.54_Gospel_of_John_17_Requests.MP3 |
John 17 |
55 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 55) Chapter 17: Conclusion / Intro to Chapters 18-19 |
4106 |
The unity Jesus prayed for is not reducing faith to the least common denominator, like the ecumenical movement. Beholding His glory is when I see Jesus in the Word. Chapters 18 and 19 pass over so many important details of our Lord's suffering so that we might focus on the trial of Jesus. John's intentional selection is that we may see who really was in charge: it's the trial of those who tried Christ!
Ed Miller |
No_55_John_Chapter_17_conclusion_Introduction_18-19.mp3 |
John 17-19; Psalm 11:4 |
56 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 56) Chapters 18-19: Introduction - Who Is in Charge |
4106 |
Behind the scenes of the trial of Jesus is this age old war between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. Our Lord Jesus Christ saw all the adverisities and sufferings as the cup the Father had given Him, not something man or Satan was doing to Him. Man doing his worst was all so that the Father could do His best! |
Ed Miller |
No_56_John_Introduction_to_Chapter_18_and_19_Who_is_in_Charge.mp3 |
John 18-19 |
57 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 57) Chapters 18-19: What Faith Is Not |
4106 |
Faith is identification with a rejected Savior; faith is not hypocrisy or externalism. Hypocrisy is a common substitute for faith. The sinful heart will always choose a robber over Almighty God. With the Law the priests of earth condemned the Priest of heaven, the Lawgiver and Lawkeeper! |
Ed Miller |
No_57_Gospel_of_John_Chapter_18_and_19_What_faith_is_not.mp3 |
John 18-19 |
58 |
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Gospels |
John |
(John 58) Chapters 18-19: Pilate |
4106 |
Pontius Pilate is God's illustration that faith is not neutrality. God will engineer the path, timing and spiritual reality through a real Christian for the greatest impact. Jesus witnessed the good confession before Pilate--non-resistance. |
Ed Miller |
No_58_Gospel_of_John_Pilate.mp3 |
John 18-19 |
59 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 59) Chapters 18-19: Pilate (Continued) |
4106 |
Not only will God engineer each one's path, people in that path at the right time, and open their eyes to a spiritual world for the first time, but also cause something to come that brings amazement. For Pilate the silence of the Lord Jesus before His accusers was the source of that amazement. Pilate and his relationship to the religious crowd, Herod, Barabbas, and the washbowl of water illustrate behavior of anyone trying to be neutral. Neutrality is not really neutral; it is a decision against Jesus Christ. |
Ed Miller |
No_59_Gospel_of_John_Pilate_cont..mp3 |
John 18-19 |
60 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 60) Chapter 18: Peter - No Confidence in the Flesh |
4106 |
Peter's flesh was weak; he wanted to serve the Lord, but self making noble decisions to deny self is just pride. God never tries to make the flesh better; He dawns upon us the "exchanged life". God's victory is getting rid of me altogether.
Ed Miller |
No_60_Gospel_of_John_Peter_No_confidence_in_the_flesh.mp3 |
John 18 |
61 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 61) Chapter 19: Cross - Objective Faith |
4106 |
Our faith is based upon solid, objective facts. God is taking our eyes away from that which is subjective, instead focusing our attention on "It is written" and "It is finished". The only proper object of faith is not faith but the Lord Jesus Christ expressed through the Word of God. |
Ed Miller |
No_61_Gospel_of_John_Cross_Objective_Faith.mp3 |
John 19 |
62 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 62) Chapter 19: Faith at the Cross |
4106 |
The foundation of the Gospel is His identification with us, not our identification with Him. The church is represented at the foot of the cross, as Mary is God's first picture of the church. The various women, John, Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramathea were there because they loved Jesus. Faith is loving Jesus outside the camp--social, domestic, religious. |
Ed Miller |
No_62_John_Faith_at_the_Cross.mp3 |
John 19 |
63 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 63) Chapter 20: Mary Magdalene |
4106 |
Mary Magdalene represents a believer who is thoroughly delivered yet has a narrow view and low expectation of Christ. Mary illustrates tired lovers of Jesus who want to carry Him instead of the living Christ carrying her. She had been clinging to Christ in the flesh and needed a revelation of the risen Christ to learn to cling to Him in the Spirit. |
Ed Miller |
No_63_Gospel_of_John_Mary_Magdalene_chapter_20.mp3 |
John 20:1-18 |
64 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 64) Chapter 21: Great Commission |
4106 |
John 21 gives the most complete record of the Great Commission, the inside story that gives the "how". Evangelism is illustrated by Peter's going fishing. Until Jesus shows up, I'm going to be who I am. God will bring the "fish" to me by a supernatural miracle. Peter's restoration illustrates the shepherding of the Great Commission by just loving Jesus. |
Ed Miller |
No_64_John_Great_Commission.mp3 |
John 21 |
65 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 65) Chapters 20-21: Who is Christ? |
4106 |
John 20 and 21 gives a more comprehensive answer of who is Christ, what is faith, and what is life more than all the other chapters. Who is Christ? He is the risen Savior! He climaxed all victory by conquering man's more unsolveable problem: death. He is the ascended Christ, the Man in the glory, who must breathe His life into us. |
Ed Miller |
No_65_Gospel_of_John_Who_is_Christ_chapter_20_and_21.mp3 |
John 20-21 |
66 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 66) Chapters 20-21: What is Faith? |
4106 |
The final chapters in John describe what faith is in an all-encompassing way by illustrating how the Lord brings people to faith. Faith is a miraculous work and creation of God; faith must come to us. Faith is not the currency of heaven; thirst is. Since faith follows revelation, what we need is a fresh, larger vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. |
Ed Miller |
No_66_Gospel_of_John_What_is_faith_chapter_20_and_21.mp3 |
John 20-21 |
67 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 67) Chapter 20: What is Faith? Peter, John & Thomas |
4106 |
God is going to use the unconscious influence of other Christians to reveal Himself and create faith in our hearts. Peter and John's footrace to the empty tomb illustrates how sometimes older Christians (Peter) will lead the way and sometimes young Christians (John) will lead. "Doubting" Thomas serves as a representative of the entire church age of all who would need to rely upon the testimony of reliable witnesses. |
Ed Miller |
No_67_John_ch_20_Peter_and_John_and_Thomas_What_is_Faith.mp3 |
John 20 |
68 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 68) Chapter 20: What is Faith? Thomas |
4106 |
An unbelieving believer needs sight, yet God sees the heart and will use sight (like Thomas) to take us forward in faith if that's what is needed. God overanswered Thomas' "prayer" as expressed by Thomas' great confession: "My Lord and my God!" The Lord blessed Thomas far beyond evidence of Him being alive but opened his eyes to seeing by faith into His true nature and glory. |
Ed Miller |
No_68_Gospel_of_John_chapter_20_Thomas_What_is_faith.mp3 |
John 20 |
69 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 69) Chapters 20-21: What is Life? |
4106 |
Life is Christ indwelling a new creation by His Holy Spirit. Life is the peace of God flooding my soul because of the finished work of the Lord Jesus. Christ lives in me to be the power of the Christian life; He lives for me to give me rest and peace. |
Ed Miller |
No_69_Gospel_of_John_chapter_20_and_21_What_is_Life.mp3 |
John 20-21 |
70 |
New Testament Books |
Gospels |
John |
(John 70) Conclusion: Christ Through Me |
4106 |
The Lord Jesus' empty garments testify of both His victory and a calm, anxious-free union with Him. Jesus speaks peace to the "shut ins"; there is no such thing as a closed door for the Lord Jesus in all the world! Life is Christ through me to accomplish His redemptive purposes. John 21 is the inside story of the Great Commission in story form that give the "how"--making duty a delight. The Gospel of John ends with "et cetera"--it goes on and on with no end to it. |
Ed Miller |
No_70_Gospel_of_John_Conclusion_Christ_Through_me.mp3 |
John 20 & 21 |