Luke List

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 51 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 49) Chapter 19: Cleansing of The Temple 4105 Ed offers 4 observations to aid in understanding this second cleansing of the temple, such as seeing it in light of Jeremiah 7, contrasting the outer glory with the inner corruption, and studying the background of the convenience animals. Jesus weeps over externalism, looking to Him in a lighthearted way, worldliness, mixture, and prejudice. He comes to flip over everything in our lives that is not Christ, then He can begin to teach us. Ed Miller Luke_49_CleansingOfTheTemple-Chap19.mp3 Luke 19:45-48, Jeremiah 7:1-4
 52 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 50) Trinity Revelation - Patience - Image Of God 4105 Ed examines the first 3 of 5 clashes between Jesus and the religious leaders (in chapter 20) from two viewpoints: from the level of earth and from the heart of God. Bigger than the question of authority is the principle of revelation. Christ will always be silent to those who do not seriously want to know the truth. In the parable of the wicked vinedressers, though it pictures the judgment upon unfaithful Israel, more than that it pictures the amazing longsuffering of God. Ed Miller Luke_50_TrinityRevelation-Patience-ImageOfGod.mp3 Luke 20:1-26
 53 New Testament Books Gospels Luke Luke 51 God's Word Trust Worthy 4105 Ed Miller Luke_51_GodsWordTrustWorthy.mp3
 54 New Testament Books Gospels Luke Luke 52 Not One Stone On Another 4105 Ed Miller Luke_52_NotOneStoneOnAnother.mp3
 55 New Testament Books Gospels Luke Luke 53 The Lord's Table 4105 Ed Miller Luke_53_TheLordsTable.mp3
 56 New Testament Books Gospels Luke Luke 54 Spiritual Blindness 4105 Ed Miller Luke_54_SpiritualBlindness.mp3
 57 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 55) Gethsemane 4105 What was the "strong crying and tears" (literally "screaming at the top of His lungs") all about in the Lord Jesus' agony in Gethsemene? He was recoiling from the broken fellowship with His holy Father God as He became sin with our sin. Ed treads upon this holy ground with utmost reverence to peek into the spiritual realities of what was happening to our Lord Jesus Christ on this momentous night. Ed Miller Luke_55_Gethsemane.mp3 Luke 22:39-46, Hebrews 5:7, 2 Corinthians 5:21
 58 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 56) Jesus On Trial 4105 In the "betrayal that has made all history", Ed turns the focus not upon Judas but upon Jesus' approachability and lamb-like meekness to receive the kiss on His cheek. Both the power of Christ (the "I am" that paralyzed perhaps a thousand men) and restraint (refusing to call for the legions of angels) are marvellously displayed. In the denial of Peter, the rooster pictures the law of God crying out whereas the look of Jesus the grace of God that melts our hearts. Ed Miller Luke_56_JesusOnTrial.mp3 Luke 22:47-65
 59 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 57) Barabbas 4105 Jesus had the "great confession" before Pilate by His amazing speech, His amazing silence, and His amazing patience. Who killed Jesus? In others I was there. When I have been covetous, I was in Judas. When I have been self-righteous, I was in the Pharisees. When I caved into peer pressure and fear of man, I was in Pontius Pilate. And in Barabbas I experienced the perfection substitution of the the Son of the Father! Ed Miller Luke_57_Chap23Barabbas.mp3 Luke 22:63 - 23:25
 60 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 58) Simon Of Cyrene 4105 How this Simon of Cyrene took up the cross of Christ sheds some light on what it means for us to take up our cross. The cross is our identification with our Lord in the place of rejection. The wonderful fruit of carrying the cross of Jesus is seen later on in how Simon's wife and both children not only became Christians but were pillars in the Church. Ed Miller Luke_58_Chap23SimonOfCyrene.mp3 Luke 23:26
 61 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 59) Redemptive Living 4105 The daughters of Jerusalem weeping carries with it double message for us. It is both a warning against "superficial sentimentality" and crying about the will of God. On the flip side, as others around us are being identified with Christ, don't feel sorry for what God has brought into their lives redemptively. Even the voices of the mockers along the way God turns into the voice of confession and honor! Ed Miller Luke_59RedemptiveLiving.mp3 Luke 23:27-31
 62 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 60) Miracles Of Calvary 4105 Jesus on the center cross was the dividing line between sinners, those who wanted salvation from nails (bad circumstances) and those who wanted salvation from sin. The first of four miracles on Calvary was the darkened sun which illustrates the miracle of forgiveness. The second miracle of the torn veil points to the miracle of access. The beauty of it all is when Jesus emerged out of the darkness of those three sunless hours, He said, "It is finished!" Ed Miller Luke_60MiraclesOfCalvary.mp3 Luke 23:32-45, Hebrews 10:19-20
 63 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 61) Calvary Means Miracles II 4105 God engineered the earthquake (Calvary's third miracle) in just the right way to split the centurion's heart. The quake teaches us that God will shake any foundation in our lives that is not a real foundation. The final miracle of the many raised saints drives home that it is a miracle of God to deliver us from corruption. The linen and the embalming have a story to tell about what it means to have resurrection life! Ed Miller Luke_61CalvaryMeansMiracles_II.mp3 Luke 23:46-56, Matthew 27:45-54
 64 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 62) The Road To Emmaus 4105 Watch how Jesus appears to these two disciples because that's how He will appear to you as well. Depression and unbelief will hold your eyes from seeing the Lord. The burning heart is the first step to knowing Jesus at the place of sweet fellowship--the breaking of bread. Ed shares how the Lord's appearing and disappearing draw us in closer union with Him and His people. Ed Miller Luke_62TheRoadToEmmaus.mp3 Luke 24:13-49
 65 New Testament Books Gospels Luke (Luke 63) Clincher 4105 As the Gospel of Luke comes to a close, the message of life and hope is displayed by the rolled away stone, the empty gravesclothes, and the message of the angels. We never need to ask for a victory of our own, for if you have Jesus, you have victory! As Jesus ascended into heaven, Luke notes His posture as one of the high priest giving His priestly blessing, an attitude which He still has towards His people today. Ed Miller Luke_63Clincher.mp3 Luke 24:1-12, 50-53