Reality Epistles 290717

CategoryNT Books
SubcategoryReality Epistles
TitleReality Epistles Read
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SummaryThe old Levitical order of condemnation, spiritual poverty, bondage and defeat has been replaced by the new Melchizedek order of liberty, blessing, refreshment and victory. Christian maturity has less to do with pictures and more to do with reality. Hebrews 11 is the Bible's full mention of faith, that pivotal chapter that makes the doctrine (chapters 1-10) practical (chapters 12-13). Faith is not man-centered nor faith-centered, but a life of both active and passive trust.
Date Delivered
Date Published
SpeakerEd Miller
File NameNo_18_Hebrews_New_Order_conclusion_Introduction_ch_11.mp3
ScripturesHebrews 10-11
Num Copies