Topical Surveys 657

SubcategoryTopical Surveys
TitleTopical Surveys Read
Search Order5105
SummaryThe disruption, dispersion and deportation of Israel tells a redemptive story what happens to a church or an individual that departs from God. Egypt is developed through the Bible as a symbol of self-trust, flesh, man--everything that God is not. The prophet Jeremiah pictures the message of resting in the LORD and not trusting man; you and I will be as the weeping prophet living "outside the camp" if our message is the same. "Remnant truth" begins to emerge among the prophets starting with Elijah. It is through this remanant that God is going to bring Christ to the world.
Date Delivered
Date Published
SpeakerEd Miller
File NameTheProphets_05Egypt_01.mp3
Scripturesmultiple refs
Num Copies