Topical Surveys 661

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TitleTopical Surveys Read
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SummaryThe remnant that returned to God not in perfection but walked imperfectly in light. They had to learn that they couldn't carry out God's commands to build the temple but the Branch--Jesus Christ--had to do it (Zech 6). The rebuilding of the temple and the wall, like all of Israel's history, tell a redemptive story. The temple represented the "glory in the midst", which is Christ in us; the wall represented God, or the knowledge of God that surrounds His people--we are in Christ. The very beginning of being surrounded by the knowledge of God is revelation, illustrated by Nehemiah's living comfortably in Persia becoming an all-consuming burden.
Date Delivered
Date Published
SpeakerEd Miller
File NameTheProphets_10Restoration_TheWall01.mp3
ScripturesNehemiah, Haggai 2
Num Copies