Reality Epistles List

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 51 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 11 Hebrews Intro to our Priest Ed Miller No_11_Hebrews_Intro_to_our_Priest.mp3
 52 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 12 Hebrews 5-10 Overview Priesthood Ed Miller No_12_Hebrews_5-10_Overview_Priesthood.mp3
 53 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 13 Hebrews 7 Order of Melchizedek Ed Miller No_13_Hebrews_7_Order_of_Melchizedek.mp3
 54 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 14 Hebrews Melchizedek type Ed Miller No_14_Hebrews_Melchizedek_type.mp3
 55 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 15 Hebrews Intro New Covenant Ed Miller No_15_Hebrews_Intro_New_Covenant.mp3
 56 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 16 Hebrews The Old Order Ed Miller No_16_Hebrews_The_Old_Order.mp3
 57 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 17) The New Order The old order is characterized by battling for victory over sin, bondage without blessing, and never enjoying the spoils of the enemy. The order of Melichizedek happens after the war is over and celebrates the riches that are in Christ. The new order is Christ serving me to bless and refresh. Live in the victory that He's given you and the fruit of that victory is surrender to Him. 2011-01-13 Ed Miller No_17_Hebrews_The_New_Order.mp3 Hebrews 7-10; Genesis 14
 58 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 18) New Order Conclusion / Intro Ch 11 The old Levitical order of condemnation, spiritual poverty, bondage and defeat has been replaced by the new Melchizedek order of liberty, blessing, refreshment and victory. Christian maturity has less to do with pictures and more to do with reality. Hebrews 11 is the Bible's full mention of faith, that pivotal chapter that makes the doctrine (chapters 1-10) practical (chapters 12-13). Faith is not man-centered nor faith-centered, but a life of both active and passive trust. Ed Miller No_18_Hebrews_New_Order_conclusion_Introduction_ch_11.mp3 Hebrews 10-11
 59 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 19) Chapter 11: Introduction A little faith claims a great Christ. Faith is primarily a direction of life than a specific act. Faith has to do with invisibles--they either don't exist, are yet future, or are spiritual and eternal. God's provision of my material needs are not a matter of my faith but of His faithfulness. Ed Miller No_19_Hebrews_Intro_11.mp3 Hebrews 11
 60 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 20) Creation & Abel Real faith has to do with invisible things. Abel came offering the invisible--a picture of Christ. Faith contains the seeds of life that live on forever. When you live by faith, you are dropping seeds of immortality everywhere you go! Ed Miller No_20_Hebrews_Creation_and_Abel.mp3 Hebrews 11:3-4
 61 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 21) Enoch & Noah Faith pleases God because its object is Christ in whom God is well pleased with. Enoch began to walk with God after the birth of Methuselah; God told Enoch about the Flood. The revelation of the Ark transformed Noah. As Noah illustrates, when we abide in Christ, the world doesn't see us anymore; they just see Christ. 2011-03-17 Ed Miller No_21_Hebrews_11_Enoch_Noah.mp3 Hebrews 11:5-7
 62 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 22) Abraham: Pilgrim Faith When the God of glory appears and we respond to that, He turns us into pilgrims. We get detached from this world when we see the Lord and the things of earth grow strangely dim. A pilgrim life is a life of trust and longing. Surrender is not difficult is you see the Lord. 2011-04-07 Ed Miller No_22_Hebrews_Abraham_Pilgrim_Faith.mp3 Hebrews 11:8-10
 63 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 23) Abraham Offering Isaac Abraham had not only pilgrim faith but spontaneous faith of a friend of God. Abraham's unveiled secret is friendship with God and trust is not an issue among friends. When you see the offering of Isaac, you see Christ. Ed Miller No_23_Hebrews_Abraham_offering_Isaac.mp3 Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22
 64 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 24) Sarah Sarah was twice dead--barren and old--showing the absolute impossibility of bearing fruit. Sarah's faith exhibited itself as trusting the faithful God to bring forth fruit when nature fails. We as Christians as have a "barren womb" and cannot produce spiritual fruit apart from a miracle. 2011-06-02 Ed Miller No_24_Hebrews_Sarah.mp3 Hebrews 11:11-12
 65 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (2010 Hebrews 25) Isaac's Faith We must tie Isaac's faith into the overruling sovereignty of God. Who would have thought that when you have no choice but to surrender, God would give you credit for faith? That's how gracious your God is! 2011-06-09 Ed Miller No_25_Hebrews_Isaacs_faith.mp3 Hebrews 11:20; Romans 9:10-14
 66 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 26 Ramada Hebrews Jacob and Joseph Ed Miller No_26_Ramada_Hebrews_Jacob_and_Joseph.mp3
 67 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 27 Ramada Hebrews Josephs Faith Moses Parents Ed Miller No_27_Ramada_Hebrews_Josephs_Faith_Moses_Parents.mp3
 68 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 28 Ramada Hebrews 1123 Moses Parents Ed Miller No_28_Ramada_Hebrews_1123_Moses_Parents.mp3
 69 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 29 Ramada Hebrews 11 Faith of Moses Ed Miller No_29_Ramada_Hebrews_11_Faith_of_Moses.mp3
 70 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 30 Ramada Hebrews Moses Passover Ed Miller No_30_Ramada_Hebrews_Moses_Passover.mp3
 71 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 31 Ramada Hebrews Israel Crossing Red Sea Ed Miller No_31_Ramada_Hebrews_Israel_Crossing_Red_Sea.mp3
 72 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews No 32 Ramada Hebrews Red Sea Continued Ed Miller No_32_Ramada_Hebrews_Red_Sea_Continued.mp3
 73 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 33 Ramada) Hebrews 11: Jericho The Holy Spirit in Hebrews 11 skipping from the Red Sea to Jericho is good news for the Christian: every part of your life that were wilderness wanderings, God jumps over. The children of Israel got 13 big looks at the wall of Jericho as they encircled it. Faith continually trusts God in silence all the way to the victory. Ed Miller No_33_Ramada_Hebrews_11_Jericho.mp3 Hebrews 11:30; Joshua 6
 74 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 34 Ramada) Hebrews 11 - Rahab: Gentile Faith Rahab serves as a bottom line, clincher illustration of faith. Faith is an openness to the message and the messengers of God. Rahab not only gave the world a testimony and not only gave the world a song but gave the world a Savior! Ed Miller No_34_Ramada_Hebrews_Rahab_Gentile_Faith.mp3 Hebrews 11:31; Joshua 2
 75 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 35 Ramada) Hebrews 11 Conclusion The end of Hebrews 11 brings the truth of faith to a close. Faith makes something good out of you. Faith is both active and passive; we can't judge God based upon circumstances. Everything in life is not to teach us a lesson but to teach us Christ. Ed Miller No_35_Ramada_Concl_Hebrews_11.mp3 Hebrews 11:32-40
 76 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 36 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Introduction The message of Hebrews is I keep looking at my High Priest (Jesus) until I become like Him. We need to learn what it means to 'off look' to Jesus. In the context of these chapters, we all have the same 'besetting sin'--unbelief. Look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, so He can perfect faith in you. Ed Miller No_36_Ramada_Intro_12.mp3 Hebrews 12
 77 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 37 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Chastening Hebrews 12 unveils the secret of how to run the Christian race, the practical Christian life. How do we know when bad circumstances are the 'scourge' of our loving heavenly Father? The book of Jeremiah illustrates the heavenly Father's chastisement by allowing us to taste the bitter cosequences of our sin, by allowing the things we trust in to fail, and by engineering our circumstances to bring us to the end of ourselves. Ed Miller No_37_Ramada_Chastening_Ch_12.mp3 Hebrews 12:3-11; Jeremiah
 78 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 38 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Goal of Discipline The practical section of the book of Hebrews starts off with God's discipline--the ways of God in our life. God's redemptive dealings are to restore us to Himself; He hates broken fellowship. Ed Miller No_38_Ramada_Goal_of_Discipline.mp3 Hebrews 12:3-11
 79 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 39 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Pruning The goal of chastening is to get you into vital union with the Lord Jesus Christ; the goal of pruning is to make you more fruitful. Chastening gets us into union with Christ; once we're in union with Christ, pruning takes over. Pruning allows me to manifest Christ. Ed Miller No_39_Ramada_Heb_12_Pruning.mp3 Hebrews 12:3-11; John 15:1-5
 80 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 40 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Spiritual Reality If you're going to run the Christian race, you need to know that God is very busy in your life. If you're not looking to the Lord, you're like a person running with legs out of joint. To run the race you have to know it's a spiritual race; it's all about relationship with Jesus. Ed Miller No_40_Ramada_Heb_12_Spiritual_Reality.mp3 Hebrews 12:12-24
 81 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 41 Ramada) Hebrews 12 Firstborn The firstborn occupies a lot of attention in the Old Testament. The basic idea is that the part represents the whole and is also a pledge that everything else is coming. What does Jesus as the firstborn of many brethren mean to us? Ed Miller No_41_Ramada_Hebrews_Firstborn.mp3 Hebrews 12:18-24
 82 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 42 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 12 Spiritual Race To appropriate God's life from heaven, we need to understand that the race we're running is a spiritual race. Those running the race must come to this truth: All of God's dealings with me comes through Christ my Mediator. The good news is that every son will end up in the Father's house! Ed Miller No_42_Ramada_Trinity_Hebrews_Spiritual_Race.mp3 Hebrews 12:18-24
 83 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 43 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 12 Mediator of New Covenant We have come to spiritual things: relationship with the Lord. Jesus as the Mediator of the new covenant is the heart and essence of it all. The new covenant is all about knowing the Lord. Ed Miller No_43_Ramada_Trinity_Mediator_of_New_Covenant.mp3 Hebrews 12:18-24
 84 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 44 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 12 Christ the Desire The 'Desire of All Nations' is a Messianic title applied to Christ. Christ is the desire that contains all desirables. God is going to shake and consume everything in your life that is not Christ until nothing else is left but the Desire. Ed Miller No_44_Ramada_Trinity_Heb_12_Christ_the_Desire.mp3 Hebrews 12:25-29; Haggai 2
 85 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 45 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 13 Pilgrim Life Christians are to live as pilgrims because it's a fading world. All I have is you (believers) and Jesus; that's enough for our pilgrimage. The 'gate' is the place of the world's approval; outside the camp is rejection. But we also live inside the veil. Ed Miller No_45_Ramada_Trinity_Heb_13_Pilgrim_Life.mp3 Hebrews 13:1-5
 86 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 46 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 13 Summary If the message is true, it had better work in the life of the teacher. The life is the fruit of the message of grace. Letting is allowing, not doing; pilgrims just say yes to Christ. Jesus wants to be your life; let Him shepherd you. Ed Miller No_46_Ramada_Trinity_Summary_ch_13.mp3 Hebrews 13
 87 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 47 Ramada Trinity) Hebrews 13 Continued The clincher to the book of Hebrews is the Priest now lives in your heart. What does it mean to be a priest as Christ lives out His priesthood? An 'addendum' addressed is the strong warning about falling short of salvation. Is there 'eternal security'? Ed Miller No_47_Ramada_Trinity_Heb_13_Continued.mp3 Hebrews 13
 88 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 48 Ramada) Hebrews: Eternal Security The reason for strong warnings is that God wants you to be nervous. These verses save us from the abuse of eternal security. They are to turn our eyes away from a doctrine and put them on a Person--Jesus Christ. He only frightens us so that He would lead us to Himself. Ed Miller No_48_Hebrews_Eternal_Security.mp3 Hebrews 6:1-12
 89 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 49 Ramada) Hebrews: Assurance True Christians are secure because they are being kept by the Lord Hilmself. The Lord Jesus has determined to lose nothing that has been given to Him by His Father. Our security depends on every attribute of God, especially His sovereignty. Ed Miller No_49_Hebrews_Assurance.mp3 Jude 24-25
 90 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 50 Ramada) Bible Study Principles Hebrews is a book filled with hope and assurance, yet also strong warnings against deceptive hopes. Any doctrine divorced from Christ Himself is a false assurance. Ed shares some basic Bible principles to handle any 'thorny' passage in the Bible. Take the passage in its context. Don't try to prove a point by silence. Use the laws of language. Ed Miller No_50_Bible_Study_Principles.mp3 Hebrews
 91 NT Books Reality Epistles Hebrews (No 51 Ramada) Hebrews Warnings Conclusion If Jesus' warnings are not precious to you, then Jesus is not precious. The most advanced Christians need the greatest warnings. In the book of Hebrews, the Holy Spirit warns by stating, illustrating (with an Old Testament example), and applying. Each warning in Hebrews is to help us in our duty to watch over our hearts. Ed Miller No_51_Ramada_Heb_Warnings_Conclusion.mp3 Hebrews